Pre-Sue Reports Newcastle

Need Pre-Sue and Asset reports served in Newcastle? These reports are really important for any successful debt recovery case. They give you the essential evidence you need to decide how best to proceed.

A Pre-Sue and Asset report can be used as evidence in court, confirming where a debtor lives or whether they’re denying the debt. This valuable info helps you assess the situation before you spend money on court proceedings.

The Process of Pre-Sue Reports in Newcastle

Our process is simple and proven:

  1. We check the address you’ve given us or track down a new one.
  2. We find contact details for the debtor, including any other names they might use.
  3. We confirm their job details, directorships, or if they own a company.
  4. We find out about any major assets, like property (including ownership details and what they paid for it).
  5. We check their financial situation, including County Court Judgments and bankruptcy.
  6. We do a thorough internet search for any other useful information.
  7. We gather proof of current or past company ownership and directorships.


We might also uncover other useful stuff during the investigation, like discreet photos of properties and assets, and estimated values. This list is just a sample of what we can include. We offer different levels of reports and can also tailor one to your specific needs.

Discover more about Pre-Sue Reports in Newcastle today

Call us today free to find out about our Pre-Sue Reports in Newcastle  on 0800 999 2099 or 0161 962 9988, and we’ll be happy to discuss the service with you and talk through your requirements. Alternatively, please fill in our online enquiry form and we will respond to you shortly.

All the information is gathered through correct procedures and the Data Protection Act is adhered to at all times.

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